Acceptance Mark

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Usher, recently recalled a funny story of being ridiculously hungry during his campaigning car ride with Obama. While riding with Super O, Usher took it upon himself to stash up on some Obama snacks (no homo), without even offering the future Prez half of a bite

“We had been campaigning all day, all over the place, and I kind of look around and I’m like, ‘Oooh, let me eat this candy bar or whatever,’ ” Usher remembered. “And we both look at it, and I’m like, ‘You’re not gonna eat that, are you?’ and he’s like, ‘You’re not gonna eat it, are you?’ I’m like, ‘Well, I’m gonna eat it if you don’t.’ ” And uess what? He did. “So I grab and I tear it open — I took the man’s meal.”

If Obama passes out from low sugar today, please ya'll...find and search Usher for the candy bars!

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