Acceptance Mark

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Greg King Puts William Balfour's Craziness on Blast

Greg King father of Jennifer Hudson’s nephew Julian King, recently interviewed about the Hudson family slaying and he shed some light on William Balfour being jealous of Julia Hudson’s involvement with other men and that being a possible motivation for him to wild out,
"William would say “hey man I got all these fine a** hoes chasing me” but Julia was doing her thing and he was doing his thing. The problem was he could not handle it when Julia moved on to do her thing. Julia is the type of woman that if you do her wrong and she get’s tired of you, she will cut you off. She don’t come back and deal with the drama anymore. Even when I was with her and I was doing my thing when she got tired of me she cut me off. No sex or nothing. I mean we would speak and be cool but once she makes up her mind to move on there is nothing that anyone can do about it. I guess William couldn’t handle it."
They've already linked Balfour to the weapon and the car, now lock him up and throw away the key.

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