Acceptance Mark

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Corie Blount Arrested for Drug Possession

The name irony is classically hilarious as former NBA baller Corie Blount gets setup and bagged for getting caught with way too many blunts.

Blount was charged with felony drug possession for picking up eleven pounds of marijuana in Ohio Thursday. Blount thought he had the 5-O beat by allowing the US.Postal Service to deliver his "sticky icky" to an address that wasn't his own, but they knew what was up and let him get his goodies and then followed him to his home where they found and confiscated another 18 pounds of the "high grade", $29,500 in cash, 3 guns, his Benzo, and his Escalade.

Deny everything and tell 'em it's for the glaucoma.

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